Cablegate dates back to 2010, and includes massive dumps of files onto WikiLeaks related to countless international tensions.
Diplomatic cables themselves are a confidential message exchanged between an embassy or consulate and the foreign ministry in its parent country. As you can imagine, there’s some highly sensitive information in these exchanges, and governments, we imagine, don’t want them leaked.
The cables in this case date from December 1966 to February 2010, and at the time comprised the largest set of confidential information ever, although they have now been surpassed.
The leak brought to light that Iran may have North Korean-built nuclear missiles, the US had secretly bombed Yemen, the US bartered with prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, and that a number of countries had been pressing the US to attack Iran.
Chelsea Manning, who was an intelligence analyst in Iraq and known as Bradley Manning at the time, is largely credited as being behind this leak.